Sustainability Performance
Parallax strives to always do the right thing, each and every day. From emissions reduction initiatives to relationships with external communities, we do our utmost to live up to the promise of being better both environmentally and socially – for ourselves and for our neighbours.
Environmental Stewardship
We strive to reduce our carbon footprint by focusing on connecting our worksites to the Alberta electrical grid as opposed to using portable combustion generators, replacing the usage of diesel with cleaner-burning natural gas, and reducing or eliminating methane venting from pneumatics, compressor engines, and production tanks. Furthermore, we take stewardship over the land we operate on seriously by utilizing recycled non-potable water for hydraulic fracturing and returning areas of our well sites back to agricultural use once well production is on stream.
Social Engagement
Engagement and collaboration with our local stakeholders is vital to Parallax’s continued success. We focus on minimizing any disturbance caused by our activities. We are mindful of noise impact and install sound abatement wall paneling to help reduce noise levels. We impose reduced speed limits on vehicles using public roads during periods of increased traffic to and from our worksites. We implement dust control on gravel roads and perform an annual roadside clean-up program that has covered over 540 km of roads collecting over 550 bags of garbage in the last four years.
Parallax operates primarily in the Lacombe and Red Deer areas and supporting communities and causes in these areas is important to us. Since we began operations, we have invested over $700,000 into local programs and events, including 4-H Clubs, Family and Community Support Services, rural crime prevention programs, youth sports and arts programs, public libraries, local walking trail societies, and food banks.
Ethical and Transparent Oversight
We are committed to a high standard of business conduct and ethics in our business practice. Vesta maintains strong Board oversight with three committees (Reserves, HSE & Sustainability; Audit; Compensation & Corporate Governance) that report to the Board.
We have established a hotline operated by an independent service provider – ConfidenceLine – which provides an avenue to communicate and resolve sensitive issues. Any information provided through the ConfidenceLine shall be kept confidential, with only those involved in the investigation receiving limited details. The number for the ConfidenceLine is (800) 661-9675 and the web portal is www.vestaenergy.confidenceline.net.
Forced labour and child labour, each as defined under the Fighting Against Forced and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act (Canada) (the “Act”), are crimes and serious violations of human rights. Vesta Energy provides an annual Modern Slavery Report in compliance with the Act that details steps taken to identify and prevent the risk of modern slavery in our operations and supply chain.
Parallax Energy Modern Slavery ReportESTMA Reporting
The Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act (the ‘Act’) requires companies in the business of commercial development of crude oil, natural gas, and minerals to publicly disclose on an annual basis specific payments made to all governments in Canada and abroad.